Sunday, September 30, 2012

Me = Slacker

Already.  I just started this blog...and I have been slacking on posting.  I have several different subject ideas throughout the day...but busy!  And a few nights last week that by the time I got little one to sleep, it was time to head to bed myself I was so exhausted!  So really, there is no point to this post other than to say that I am a slacker.  But hey...since I am here, how about some updates:

  • Last week, I posted a product review on the jaybird blue tooth ear buds.  Well...I would still love them...if they worked.  I don't know what the deal is, but seems they are dead all the time.  Won't hold a charge apparently.  This morning, even, I charged them all night, unplugging just before going to the gym, get there...the damn things are dead.  Awesome.  I am planning to write the company but in the meantime, the hubster has given me his (because he has apparently found other earbuds he wants).  I will update once I have some sort of resolution (or even lack of) from the company.
  • Yesterday, I bought (and wore) my first pair of skinny jeans that weren't maternity or made for fat chicks!  And...if I do say so myself, they looked awesome!  (Got them from the Gap, Always Skinny).  And because I bought new jeans, I went to therapy (DSW) for new shoes.
  • I've tried a few different workouts now on Workout Trainer and, for the most part, I am still really liking this app and have poked around a bit on the website since my review last week. I did do one today, however, that I just don't think I was ready for.  It was the P90X Ab Ripper.  The workout was labeled as intense, which should have been my first clue...but it just proved I have absolutely no core strength.  I need to figure this to strengthen my core.  
  • I took the little Peanut to Sylvania Playland yesterday for a play date...not bad.  I mean, she couldn't fully enjoy the place as she is only 15 months...but plenty of activities there for the wee ones.  
  • The rest of the weekend, however, she was in full on meltdown mode.  I am kinda feeling it is my fault since I have been so she was apparently really bad for the hubster...I had to work half a day, and she apparently had a meltdown wherever her daddy took her.  And she also had a huge one for her grandmother yesterday right before the hubster and I went out.  So heartbreaking, I nearly decided to scrap plans and stay home...but really, what good would that have done?
And that's it.  That is my Sunday night update.

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