Saturday, September 22, 2012

My latest...and final...attempt at blogging...

I think the title says it all.  I keep trying, I keep starting a blog, I start with every intention of maintaining it...and then it falls to the wayside.  I get bored with it.  Can't think of anything to talk about.  Don't want to overshare/undershare or just plain bore others with what I post.  I sometimes have mistaken a blog for a diary that one would write their innermost thoughts in.  Yes, for the most part, I really don't care what others thinks, if I offend and have a tendency to be brutally honest.  And sometimes that can directly or indirectly affect/hurt those that I actually do care about.  So I'm giving this one last try.

The blog name

I am definitely NOT the most creative person out there.  Coming up with cute/clever/funny/original names is not my forte.  This is why I missed out on joining a fantasy football league - because I could not come up with a team name worthy enough.  And yes, I being totally serious.  So as I thought about another attempt at a blog, I've struggling with a name.  I don't want to pigeonhole the blog itself into one particular category but leave it open to talk about whatever the hell I want to talk about.  Yep.  Couldn't come up with a damn name.  A few weeks ago, in a status post by my husband, he referred to me as the shrinking fat chick (now mind you, he does not nor has he ever thought I was fat - every time I described myself as fat I think he got a little mad at me - his actually post was in reference to both of us and the journeys we have been on this year in our attempts to become more fit).  I just came across this post again today...and, well, the blog now has a name.

And the blog topic?

Whatever I feel like talking about at that particular time - the whole weight loss/fitness thing, sports, dreaming of a new house, Stella, work (yeah...not likely to happen too often, I like having  a job, politics (um...actually, I would prefer not, but every now and then I come across a gem I have to share), family, etc.  I am actually going to kick off the blog with a few different topics currently occupying space in my brain.

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