Tuesday, April 23, 2013

40 is closing in too fast...

I want to be okay with it...I really do.  I've been dreading it for so long, but I am trying trying to take a more positive outlook on it.  I figured I had such a hard time with 30, that 40 will be a bitch...but does it really need to be?

And...I started this post nearly a month ago...I am now two days out!  I should be on a cruise right now...but alas, I have a family that primarily sucks, it got canceled, so now spending it home with the only family that truly matters to me anymore:  my husband and my child.  And, unfortunately, tomorrow will be spent with a recovering little one as she is scheduled for round two of tubes in the a.m.

When I originally started this post, it was with the intention of comparing turning 30 with turning 40.  As I mentioned, I had such a hard time with turning 30, I have been dreading turning 40...but you know what?  I think I'm finally okay with it.  I am not the same person nor am I in the same place as I was 10 years ago.  Then, I was reluctantly living back with my parents, not done with any college degrees, enjoying the alcohol a little too much, living the single girl life, etc.  And broke.  Still broke, but hey...maybe it's because since then I got both my associates and bachelors degrees, moved out the 'rents' house for the last time, met and married my husband, finally got a decent job, had a beautiful baby girl, and finally got my ass into shape...best shape ever!

So there...that was what I wanted to say with this post...and I did.  Maybe later, I'll do some picture updates of what's been going on these past few weeks (um...no-brainer there really....more working out, running, etc.).

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