Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the progression of me...

Kinda hard to come up with some comparison pics to do this post...seems that since I've had Stella, pics of me are rather scarce (or rather, pics of me beyond just my face)...so I am just pulling odds and ends from the past 5 years (and one from 10 years ago).  Here goes:

Brandy summer 02

The above photo was from the summer of 2002. My first round of major weight loss was almost a year prior. My priorities then? Partying, enjoying the single life (I ended a very long term relationship - 10.5 years) that previous fall, working on my tan (pre-melanoma days).


Summer of 2007 - I had been dating my husband a year by this point - you know what that means! Yep...getting too comfortable in a relationship, start going to hell. I don't think I realized yet that I was starting to pork out.

Late summer 2007 - preseason football...rapid expansion it seems.

Now that (above) is attractive!  I am going to venture a guess here that it was taken summer of 08...sometime before my wedding.  And to think...I possibly thought I looked good!  One of the big problems (in other words...one of the problems attributed to my bigness) can clearly be seen in my left hand.

January 2009 - MP Ball.  At the time, I thought I looked pretty darn good!  In hindsight, not so much (well...except for my hair...loved my hair).

Mother's Day 2009...again...the hair looked good at least!  Sad part...this is a few years before I got pregnant.  No excuse that I looked like this (nevermind the fact that this particular photo was taken right after we got done pigging out at Biaggi's).  The other photo was a Florida vacation June 20009...I made it my mission to drink as much Yuengling as possible during that 6-day trip to Ft. Myers.  I was awesome.

These three pictures were over the summer of 2010...not too much before getting pregnant (the photo in the blue tank was perhaps just a few weeks before).  Around this time, I had gotten a new job, and started Weight Watchers shortly after...and then had to quit the WW due to becoming pregnant.

I am not going to bother with any photos from my pregnancy...and after having Stella...there's not a lot of 'just me'...because, well...she's a cute kid, she became my world, so not much getting out and taking photos.

So fast forward the holidays of the past two years:
The picture from 2011 - quite possibly the largest I had gotten (outside of being pregnant).  While they are not visible in this picture, the jeans I wore that night were a size 14.  14.  Never had I gone outside of a 12.  DEPRESSING!  Still didn't find that motivation I needed...not for several more months.   The picture on the right - from just a month ago - on the verge of the best shape I have ever been in.  The dress I am wearing in that photo - a size 4.  4.  Never in my adult life have I been in that size.  And not just a size 4 from one particular store, but all stores I typically shop!  I suppose if I was posting the above two photos on my instragram account, I could tag them as #transformationtuesday.  I mean...it is Tuesday and I think these two pictures do a pretty good job of showing my transformation from December 2011 to December 2012.

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