The above photo was from the summer of 2002. My first round of major weight loss was almost a year prior. My priorities then? Partying, enjoying the single life (I ended a very long term relationship - 10.5 years) that previous fall, working on my tan (pre-melanoma days).
Summer of 2007 - I had been dating my husband a year by this point - you know what that means! Yep...getting too comfortable in a relationship, start going to hell. I don't think I realized yet that I was starting to pork out.
Late summer 2007 - preseason football...rapid expansion it seems.
Now that (above) is attractive! I am going to venture a guess here that it was taken summer of 08...sometime before my wedding. And to think...I possibly thought I looked good! One of the big problems (in other of the problems attributed to my bigness) can clearly be seen in my left hand.
January 2009 - MP Ball. At the time, I thought I looked pretty darn good! In hindsight, not so much (well...except for my hair...loved my hair).
Mother's Day 2009...again...the hair looked good at least! Sad part...this is a few years before I got pregnant. No excuse that I looked like this (nevermind the fact that this particular photo was taken right after we got done pigging out at Biaggi's). The other photo was a Florida vacation June 20009...I made it my mission to drink as much Yuengling as possible during that 6-day trip to Ft. Myers. I was awesome.
These three pictures were over the summer of 2010...not too much before getting pregnant (the photo in the blue tank was perhaps just a few weeks before). Around this time, I had gotten a new job, and started Weight Watchers shortly after...and then had to quit the WW due to becoming pregnant.
I am not going to bother with any photos from my pregnancy...and after having Stella...there's not a lot of 'just me'...because, well...she's a cute kid, she became my world, so not much getting out and taking photos.
So fast forward the holidays of the past two years:
2011 |
2012 |
The picture from 2011 - quite possibly the largest I had gotten (outside of being pregnant). While they are not visible in this picture, the jeans I wore that night were a size 14. 14. Never had I gone outside of a 12. DEPRESSING! Still didn't find that motivation I needed...not for several more months. The picture on the right - from just a month ago - on the verge of the best shape I have ever been in. The dress I am wearing in that photo - a size 4. 4. Never in my adult life have I been in that size. And not just a size 4 from one particular store, but all stores I typically shop! I suppose if I was posting the above two photos on my instragram account, I could tag them as #transformationtuesday. I is Tuesday and I think these two pictures do a pretty good job of showing my transformation from December 2011 to December 2012.
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