put out 3 meals this past week! Oh...and breakfast this morning! vNow...that may not seem like much to many people...but for me, it is. I am not a domestic goddess...nor do I resemble one in any way, shape, or form. I am not a fan of cooking, I don't keep the tidiest house, I don't have a sewing machine on hand to repair or even make my own clothes (or Stella's)...I just don't do any of that. I am NOT Molly Homemaker.
But back to the cooking thing. I am attempting to point us (or, at least me) more in the direction of a paleo diet (but I hate the word diet). What is paleo? I'm not going into great detail here, I'll let Wiki handle that: Paleo Diet. In this house, we've always been big on prepackaged food, fast food, food of convenience. However, as anyway who has looked at this blog realizes, my husband and I are both on a fitness kick and have been for about a year now. So I bought myself some paleo cookbooks, downloaded a few more on my kindle as well as an additional app. The following is a sampling of what I've been doing (as well as the cookbooks):

The dishes have been surprisingly simple (remember...I don't cook) and taste really really good! I've got a list of meals for the next week already put together so I can head to the store tomorrow!
But back to the cooking thing. I am attempting to point us (or, at least me) more in the direction of a paleo diet (but I hate the word diet). What is paleo? I'm not going into great detail here, I'll let Wiki handle that: Paleo Diet. In this house, we've always been big on prepackaged food, fast food, food of convenience. However, as anyway who has looked at this blog realizes, my husband and I are both on a fitness kick and have been for about a year now. So I bought myself some paleo cookbooks, downloaded a few more on my kindle as well as an additional app. The following is a sampling of what I've been doing (as well as the cookbooks):

The dishes have been surprisingly simple (remember...I don't cook) and taste really really good! I've got a list of meals for the next week already put together so I can head to the store tomorrow!