Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - My Year in Review

Wow...thank God for Facebook, because seriously?  This is really going to test my memory!  Ahh well...maybe I'll rely heavily on pictures to tell the story...


Stella had just wrapped up her first Christmas and was mastering that thing called sitting.  I somehow got the stomach flu for the first time in years...which had unfortunate timing since my dear husband had to stay home with baby rather than out with friends watching his college football team win the national championship.  Stella was also not a fan of sleeping all night yet.  Getting there...but not quite.  She was, however, already becoming the master of total cuteness.


Stella was working on the teeth thing.  I believe she had gotten two of them.  I was also gearing up for mass Girl Scout Cookie consumption and trying to figure out how soon I could get Stella into that so i had an in-house supplier.  The husband spoiled me by sending a dozen roses, chocolate and a big ol' monkey balloon (that lasted months) to work for Valentine's Day.  My grandmother and her twin brother celebrated their 80th birthday the end of February (or, I guess you could say their 20th, since they were leap year/leap day babies).  We also joined the Y...and I resumed spin classes.  Stella was not a fan of the Kid Zone there.  Maybe one of these days.


Getting close to baseball season!  I was also finally getting serious about returning to school to work on a MBA.  I went and visiting UT, found out what I needed to do and everything.  That was March.  We are now in the closing hours of 2012 and i haven't done anything more with that.  Decided that I need to take a much bigger chunk out of my current student loan debt rather than add to it.  Very unseasonably warm in March.  Matter of fact, we didn't get much of a winter at all (not that I was least not on a personal level).  Stella and I took advantage of the nice weather and started walking to the park on a regular basis.  My job responsibilities were changing a bit...the company I work for was (and still is) growing a lot.  Stella had also mastered the army crawl.


Photo Photo Photo has arrived!  And, of course, that particular month is always closed out with my birthday.  April of 2012 marked the last time I 'celebrated' turning 30 something.  I have been through a lot of changes on a lot of levels the last few years and was feeling rather down about my birthday.  My husband, being the awesome guy he is, had sent me a few deliveries that day - flowers and an 'Edible Arrangement' (yum)!  A couple of my 'newer' friends took it upon themselves to take me out for my birthday...a wonderful time!  I also flew out to Arizona for a long weekend to see a good friend as well as see my favorite band!  That also marked the first time I had been away from Stella overnight...since she was born.  She was 10 months old by then.  I don't think she was too thrilled with me when I returned, but quickly forgave.


May was a combination of things.  Early on in the month...Stella ended up staying home from daycare for just over a week thanks to hand foot and mouth disease.  Good times (not).  Gotta love the daycare germs.  It was also around that time that I had an 'official' diagnosis of ADD (that took about 30 years to diagnose).  And finally, I got that 'kick in the pants' I needed to finally do something about my body.  It was as simple as trying on bathing suits at Target one afternoon.  And really, it wasn't that traumatic of an experience...but something in me just clicked.  It was also my first Mother's Day!  Stella got to go to her first baseball game (Verlander pitched, but the Tigers lost to the Yankees)!  By this time, Stella has gotten pretty good at the crawling thing and pulling herself up and cruising...but no walking.


Photo: Getting there was quite the challenge.  Getting home was a breeze and Stella did awesome!

Photo: You all know I don't normally do this (I usually only post Stella pictures because she is the cutest kid ever) but I am excited that I reached my first mini goal today and have to show off just a little!
Stella turns one!  We also starting planning for the husband's retirement from the national guard (when just months ago, we were planning for his deployment that was supposed to happen in July)!  Still no walking.  No hurry for that...but no walking.  Body transformation is slowly but surely gaining steam.  Summer is about to be in full swing.  Life is good.


Photo: I keep thinking I need to get rid of the bumbo, but she has too much fun with it!
Seems like so long ago!  Unfortunately, my little peanut had to have tubes put in her ears...but ended up being a good thing...ear infections have pretty much become a thing of the past.  Shawn is officially retired form the national guard.  Definitely starting to show some real progress with the body transformation.  Still no walking...but Stella has now been to a second baseball game (this time a minor league game...and she got to meet Muddy)!
Photo  Photo: Sleep-deprived mommy...hoping for a much better night tonight!


  Photo: Brandy & Stella
Out with the old, in with the new (traded in the '08 Jeep for a '12)!  Surprise party for Shawn to celebrate his retirement from the national guard!  We celebrated our four-year wedding anniversary (and this time, I had my new bluetooth earbuds waiting for me when I arrived at work, and an Edible Arrangement delivered a bit later...yep, he spoils me)!  Stella still has no interest in walking...but getting there...and the curls!  She is turning into the cutest little girl!  And my transformation is starting to become noticeable to others.  I also took Stella up to one of the lakes in Michigan where her grandmother was saying.  Peanut really wasn't to enthused about the water, but was definitely the center of attention!


Photo: @bsunb Stella on the train!   Photo
Started off the month with another trip to the zoo (I think by the time all is said and done, we took at least four trips there this year).  And...She walks!  Finally, she walks!  And in hindsight...oh how I miss the days she was barely mobile!  And the early days of walking, it was more like 'Frankenbaby'.  Made an attempt at getting Stella in gymnastics.  Didn't work out...planning on trying again soon.  On a side note...I bought my first pair of 'skinny' jeans.  Real ones.  Not the 'skinny' jeans for fat girls or the 'skinny' jeans for pregnant chicks...but honest to goodness real skinny jeans!  And rocked them!

October baseball (and let's go right ahead and choke in the World Series).  Took a road trip to see one of my besties with my other bestie.  And took my handy dandy fancy camera to take some awesome pictures of Stella!  One more trip to the zoo.  And Stella transformed into Minnie Mouse for Halloween!


Photo: Definitely doesn't suffer from her daddy's dislike of feet!  Photo: Yes, that is a football.  Maybe Stella is inspired by that 9 year old girl that has been blowing people away lately.  Photo: Just returning from a very boring few hours at the laundromat.  Seriously...those places are torture!

My favorite place for burgers has closed.  My favorite morning show is off the air.  The dryer died.  Starting to gear up for Christmas.  Peanut starts preparing to transition into her third room (her first toddler room) at daycare.  Sad.  She is growing up so fast!  And the first two molars made their appearance.  On a side note...suddenly I am in a size did that happen???


Photo: Someone has mastered the temper tantrum!  Photo 

Crap.  Christmas.  18 months old.  Christmas shopping.  Weekend in Frankenmuth with my two best friends.  Work Christmas party.  Under 140 lbs.  New title at work.  Setting goals for next year. Work, personal, fitness.  Looking forward to the year ahead.  Vacation?  

And there you have it...that was my year.  It's done.  28 more minutes and it is in the books.  Looking forward to next year.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

yes, I'm slacking on the blog...

I have a couple of drafts started even...started a few weeks ago...and just haven't finished them.

So this is my update...

Christmas has now come and gone - Stella is now the proud new owner of a play kitchen:
It appears to be quite the hit!

The husband made out pretty good, too - the highlights being an iPhone 5 and a Garmin 910xt (for the whole triathlon training thing).  I didn't do so bad myself - a new Kindle Fire HD and a new lens for the good camera are the highlights!  

Still doing the gym/weight loss thing/body changing thing.  Getting it in as much as possible.  Bought lots of new gym clothes recently - a couple of pairs of compression pants from Old Navy (since I liked the first pair so much), some new tees, a couple of new sports bras I picked up at the Under Armor outlet (2/$ was actually a mistake, but they gave me that price anyway and I really really like them so bonus!).  
Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I am getting geared up to start trying to tackle one of my big goals for 2013 - running.  I even bought new shoes for the occasion (supposed to arrive next week sometime - I ordered them online, free shipping, etc. and ending up paying at least $40 less for them than I would have at Dick's).    I am also looking to buy some kettlebells for home so I can do more here, spend less time in the gym so the husband can get more gym time/tri training time in.  I think I am also going to start blogging my workouts.  I have today's written down that I will likely get to a bit later tonight (after the Peanut has gone to bed since she has just gotten up from her nap).

On the work front - I get a new title change for the new year!  From Administrative Assistant to Human Resources Generalist.  No huge raise or an office or anything...but it's a start!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

No Excuses!

That was always one of my biggest downfalls...I always found an excuse to not work out, to not go to the gym...or even to excuse the way or what I ate!  Since I've been on my kick this year with the weight loss, fitness gain, etc...this is what has helped me achieve the results I have made this year - no excuses! 

I really put the 'no excuses' rule to the test last night.   Obviously it is a very busy time of year for everyone...but it is also the time of year where many of us fail at our diets and exercise programs...or at least slack off.  And perfect time of year to come up with every excuse possible not to work out.In between the last fall session and the new winter session starting January 7, my Y is doing a free mini-session...offering a limited number of classes and my favorite cycling (spin) class is included with that.  I okayed with my husband to go last night so was packed and ready before leaving for work for the day.  As the day wore on, I realized I forgot a towel to shower after the class.  That would have been an excuse for me previously.  And I debated using that as an excuse to not go.  But really?  I realized this before even leaving work, so I could have very well used the gym at work and been able to shower and go home (we have towels at work) so that excuse was no good.  I went on ahead in the direction of the Y...decided I would suck it up and drive home sweaty & smelly afterward and get a quick shower in before Stella's bath.  But then...something prompted me to check my bag for my lock (I have two different gym bags...sometimes, yes, I actually do squeeze in more than one workout - one at lunch and then a class or two at the Y) - and it wasn't there.  I couldn't very well leave stuff in my jeep at the Y...that's just not smart.  And I could NOT leave things in an unlocked locker.  My purse?  Phone?  The husband's Christmas present that is sure to make me wife of the year?  No.  THAT could have been my excuse.  And a great one at that.  I really really thought about it...but then I realized there was plenty of room in that particular classroom to stash a gym bag and extras (and plenty do it) I stayed the course.  I went to spin class.  Sweated my butt off, drove home smelling like a pig...but dammit, I did it...I did not let the excuses win!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A little showing off...

Yes...I am that dork flexing in front of the mirror in the locker room at the gym.  Couldn't help myself!  This was Friday afternoon...and I gotta say what I did in the gym Friday afternoon, I was feeling Saturday afternoon!  I really wanted to give my arms a workout since I was wearing a sleeveless dress that night.  By the time I was time, my arms were seriously shaking....and boy were they sore yesterday!




Sunday, December 2, 2012

lazy Sunday

Actually...not all that lazy...just doing laundry while Stella and the husband are sleeping.  The new dryer (finally) arrived this morning so playing catch-up and once Shawn is up, I need to put a few hours in at work.  But in the meantime, just wasting time...and I feel the need to AW myself (taking yesterday after my workout):

20121201_153300, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App