Thursday, March 14, 2013

To make up for the bad day...a skimble workout review

I am the buttless wonder.  Seriously.  Baby got no back here. So I have at least one day a week that I focus very specifically on that specific area in the gym as well as added squats here and there with other workouts throughout the week.  As I've mentioned previously, I have found the Workout Trainer by Skimble to be quite helpful.  My current favorite is the Brazilian Butt Workout. Love it!  Now granted...I have added some modifications such as:

  • Squats with a bar in place of circling donkey kicks (eventually I will add weights to this)
  • Stationary front to back lunges in place of split squat hops
  • Side squats have become more of a hybrid of the side squats and split squat hops using a BOSU ball
  • Hip lifts I add either a 20 lbs. kettle bell or dumbbell
  • Lunge kicks I have replaced with dead lifts, currently with 40 lbs.
By the end of that 30 minutes, I'm definitely feeling like I've accomplished minimum I have worked up a small sweat.  I have learned, however, that this is not a workout to be done immediately after a 30 minute jaunt on the treadmill.  I tried that once and had a serious case of shaky legs and it was all I could do to finish.

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